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3.10 Similar Classes and Repetition of Classes

Certain courses will cover substantially similar material. In such instances, students may not receive credit for both classes.[1] Examples of overlapping classes for which students may not receive credit for both include the following (this is not meant to be an exhaustive listing of such classes):

  • Constitutional Law I and Constitutional Law for LL.M.s
  • Writing and Research in the U.S. Legal System and Advanced Legal Writing
  • International Law and Public International Law
  • Trial Advocacy and Intensive Trial Practice Workshop
  • The same course taught by different professors (or the same professor), e.g., Corporate Finance at the Law School and at Booth.

It is impossible to list all of the potentially similar classes in other divisions or departments of the University. Students who note similarities in the course descriptions should contact the Office of the Registrar to determine whether both classes may be taken. These requests will be reviewed by the Dean of Students. Students ultimately bear responsibility for avoiding overlapping classes.

Students may also not repeat a class that has the same course number or has the same or similar title and/or content (as noted above). The only instance where a student must repeat a class is if they have failed a required class. Ordinarily, students may only repeat a required course for which they received a failing grade one time. In this case, both classes will remain on the student’s transcript and both classes grades will calculate in the student’s GPA. However, the only credits that will count towards the total of number of credits required to earn the degree are those credits attached to the passing grade for that class.

[1] Please note that students are not permitted to take classes at the Law School that substantially overlap in content with courses previously taken at another ABA-accredited law school.