Careers in Law Teaching
The University of Chicago Law School encourages graduates and students to consider careers in law teaching and provides a range of resources and services designed for the individual interested in the academic marketplace. In the Law School's experience candidates for academic jobs increase their chances of success in the market by working with the Law School's faculty and staff.
Professor Brian Leiter has created an extensive handbook of information on the academic job market.
If you are a University of Chicago Law School alumnus/a and are considering a career in law teaching now or in the near future, please contact one of the following University of Chicago Law School faculty members:
- Brian Leiter, Karl N. Llewellyn Professor of Jurisprudence, Director of the Center for Law, Philosophy, and Human Values and Chair, Law Teaching: Placement of Graduates Committee
- Lisa Bernstein, Wilson-Dickinson Professor of Law
- Lee Fennell, Max Pam Professor of Law
We strongly encourage you to contact one of these faculty members as soon as you begin your preparation for the academic job search, and especially before submitting your paperwork to AALS.
We also organize an annual workshop on preparing for the law teaching market. If you are interested in attending the next conference, please contact one of the committee members.
Information and Advice for Persons Interested in Teaching Law
Prepared by Brian Leiter
(with input from many colleagues over the years)
August 2009 (Last updated December 2023)
I. Paths to Law Teaching
II. Chicago Alumni in Academia
III. The Mechanics of the Academic Job Market in Law
IV. Ranking Law Schools
V. Upward Mobility
Appendix A: University of Chicago Law School Alumni in Academia
Appendix B: Model Resume for On-Campus Interviews (PDF)