13.4 Additional Support
Students looking for additional support beyond the Law School are encouraged to make use of campus resources. The Associate Director for Graduate Student Affairs in UChicagoGRAD is an administrator who serves as a campus-wide resource for students on issues around grievance policy and procedures. The Associate Director can meet with students to discuss their individual situation and provide information about options for resolution. The Associate Director also works to provide trainings and workshops to improve mentorship and advising relationships and support constructive conversations around student concerns. Email gradgrievance@uchicago.edu for assistance.
Any conflict or difficulty in a student’s academic life can have an adverse effect on mental health and wellbeing. In addition to seeking advice and assistance from the offices and individuals above, the Law School strongly encourages students to seek support from the following university resources:
- Counselors at Student Wellness are available to provide critical support services to students navigating all manner of challenges.
- Sounding Board is a resource for helping graduate students negotiate work/life balance issues, navigate relationships, and create strategies for having difficult conversations with peers, faculty, and others.
- Students may also find support in the advisers and programs available through the Office of Spiritual Life.
- Student Wellness’s Health Promotion office provides a range of services and programming to support students in managing stress and leading balanced and healthy lives.