Student Engagement
Before your first school year begins, the Kapnick Leadership Development Initiative starts your education with a foundation of leadership training based in brain science. Then throughout your first year, the Bigelow Program teaches you how to write and research like a lawyer.
After your first year, you carve your own path—not only in choosing courses, but also through options outside the classroom that cater to every interest.
The selective Doctoroff Business Leadership Program blends the best of an MBA curriculum into your Law School experience.
Students who participated in our Bridges first-person writing project share with you stories about their 1L year experiences--the good and the difficult--and how they navigated their way through.
The International Immersion Program provides first-hand experience navigating other cultures.
For those who don't want to wait until after graduation to apply their education, our Pro Bono Service Initiative and Public Service and Public Interest program let you start making a difference now. And our clinics give you the opportunity to work in a law firm-like atmosphere on the thing you care about most.