JD/MPP Class Planning and Advising

Similarly to JD students, JD/MPP students advance through their first year through the same 1L curriculum as their JD peers. The JD/MPP student path begins to differ either at the start of the 2L or 3L year. Students can select to be in residence at Harris or The Law School during their second and third years. Law students must complete nine quarters of residency at the Law School towards their JD degree***.

4 year sample plan
  Autumn Winter Spring SUMMER
Year 1 1L curriculum+ 1L curriculum+ 1L curriculum+ Possible Law Internship
Year 2 Law coursework+ Law coursework+ Law coursework+ Possible Policy-related Internship
Year 3 Harris coursework‡* Harris coursework‡* Harris coursework‡* Possible Law Internship
Year 4 Harris coursework§* Law coursework+ Law coursework+** Graduate: Full-Time Position

*Students can select to be in residence at Harris during Y2 or Y3. Students select what final quarter to be in residence at Harris. Students can take Harris courses in a quarter of Law coursework and vice versa.

**Students should be in residence at the Law School spring quarter of Y4 due to grading deadlines

***Students cannot enroll in less than 9 credits or more than 14 credits in any quarter counting towards Law residency.

Colors: +Law residence, ‡Harris residence, §Harris residence, counts towards Law residency requirement as student must take one LAWS course and count 9 credits towards the JD in this quarter.

How many years is the JD/MPP dual degree program?

The JD/MPP program takes a total of 4 years to complete.

How many quarters of residency do I need for my JD degree?

Students need a total of nine quarters of residence for the JD degrees. 

Students will pay 8 quarters of Law School tuition, and will count one of their Harris tuition quarters towards the 9th quarter of Law residency. In this quarter, students must take at least one LAWS class, and count at least 9 credits toward the JD requirements.

How many non-LAWS credits can I count towards my JD degree?

Students can count a total of 12 credits of non-LAWS courses towards the JD degree.

Can I take less than 9 credits or more than 14 credits during a quarter that is counting towards my JD residency?

No. According to ABA guidelines, students must remain between 9 and 14 credits during all quarters counting towards the JD degree. Please visit the Student Handbook for more information.

Where can I find more information on the JD curriculum?

Please visit the Student Handbook and JD Advising webpage.

Where can I track my JD degree requirements?

Each student has access to their individualized Degree Progress Report 24/7.

Am I required to earn both degrees in the same quarter?

Yes. In the dual programs students must meet the requirements for both programs in the same quarter.

What is the credit conversion between The Law School courses and Harris courses?


  • 50 units = 1 credit
  • 75 units = 2 credits
  • 100 units = 3 credits

Who should I contact...

If I have questions about the JD degree?

Please contact Lana Ammari, Associate Director of Student Affairs at the Law School.

If I have questions about the MPP degree?

Please contact Jen Lombardo, Associate Dean of Students: Academic Services & Advising at Harris.

From the Law School with questions regarding Financial Aid? 

Please contact Zach Weber, Director of Financial Aid.  

At the Law School if I have questions about applying to the JD/MPP?

Please email admissions@law.uchicago.edu