About Student Records

Personal Information
Students have access to an electronically-maintained database of their personal information via the University's secured student Web site, referred to as myUChicago. The myUChicago information includes a student's name, expected graduation date, insurance coverage status, immunization status, program of study, restrictions and holds on a student's account, current address and phone number, billing address information, emergency contact information, current course schedule, academic history, unofficial transcript, and student account information. In order to access this information, go to the myUChicago site at http://my.uchicago.edu.
Name Changes
Although students can change much of their personal information as needed directly within the myUChicago system, a student who changes his/her name while at the University must present supporting documentation to the University Registrar. The student must present to a notary public a name change form, along with a driver's license, Social Security card, or passport displaying the new name, or a court order or similar legal document authorizing the name change. In the notary's presence, the student must sign the name change form. A notary public is available in the Law School Office of Student Affairs, Room 306. The notarized form then must be submitted to the University Registrar.
Foreign students: Except under special circumstances, the names of foreign students in University of Chicago records should match the names as they appear on their passports. Foreign students wishing to change their names in University records should provide government-issued identification corresponding to their new names and should also contact the Office of International Affairs.
Contact information for the University Registrar's Office, which is open from 8:30 to 4:30, Monday through Friday:
Office of the University Registrar
1427 East 60th Street
Chicago , IL 60637
Phone: 773-702-7891
FAX: 773-702-3562