Law School history

Add to Calendar 2021-02-25 19:30:00 2021-02-27 23:59:00 Law School Musical Presents: Charles Toddka and the Magnet Factory Event details: - University of Chicago Law School America/Chicago public

Online-Only Law School Event

Dean Thomas J. Miles; Adam Hassanein, ’21; Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul; and Deputy Dean Richard McAdams at the unveiling of the Nelson Willis photograph.
Law School history
Law School Celebrates First Black LLB Graduate, Nelson Willis
Illustration of the Law School
Law School history
How a 1997 Student Lecture Series Mixed Wit, Wisdom, and the UChicago Way
Clip of Marian Coase's lecture
Law School history
A Small Piece of the New Ronald Coase Papers Offers an Up-Close View of a Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience
book cover
Law School history
Remembering the Rhymes of Brainerd Currie
Law School history
The Law School during the McCarthy Era