Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics Celebrates Ten-Year Milestone

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Law School Federalist Society Wins 2024 Chapter of the Year Award

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Tom Ginsburg

Scholars used to argue that democracy, once attained in a fairly wealthy state, would become a permanent fixture. As the late Juan Linz put it, democracy would become “the only game in town.” That ...

Lisa Bernstein

As lawyers we’re trained to think that everybody on the opposite side is going to act opportunistically and strategically at every turn, and that we’re supposed to constrain them through contracts....


After Monday's protests in Chicago to shed light on the crisis in Gaza, in which led to the arrests of several protesters, concerns over security at the Democratic National Convention this August a


Room V
Participating faculty: Thomas J. Miles, Aziz Z. Huq, Jennifer Nou, Adriana Z. Robertson


Weymouth Kirkland Courtroom
Participating faculty: Alison L. LaCroix