The “Construction in Space in the Third and Fourth Dimension” statue by Antoine Pevsner sits in the Law School's reflecting pool with the sun behind it.
Intellectual. Interdisciplinary. Innovative. Impactful.

It's a term thrown around quite a bit lately, but what does it actually mean? This is an episode about the basics of the Law of the Land, the three branches of government and what happens when they're don't work the way they're supposed to.

Our guide is Aziz Huq, Professor of Law at the University of Chicago. His books include The Rule of Law: A Very Short Introduction, The Collapse of Constitutional Remedies  and How to Save a Constitutional Democracy. 

President Donald Trump has suggested a plan for the U.S. to take control of Gaza and relocate its Palestinian residents to nearby countries like Egypt and Jordan.

Law school applications are up across the country, with nearly 20% more applicants competing for a seat in the class of 2028. But law school leaders and deans aren’t quite sure why.

More residents in the Northeast, Mid-south, and Pacific Northwest regions are applying to law school, according to data gathered and updated daily by the Law School Admissions council, with the highest number of applicants in the country coming from the northeast, defined as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York.



Weymouth Kirkland Courtroom
Participating faculty: Jacob Goldin


Room V
Participating faculty: Martha C. Nussbaum