Nussbaum Elected to British Academy Fellowship

Martha Nussbaum, Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics, has been elected a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. She is the only American law professor to receive that honor this year.  Three other University of Chicago Law School faculty members are Corresponding Fellows: Ronald Coase, Richard Helmholz, and Richard Posner.

The prime criterion for election to Ordinary and Corresponding Fellowship of the British Academy is academic distinction as reflected in scholarly research activity and publication. Corresponding Fellows are scholars habitually resident outside the UK who have "attained high international standing in any of the branches of study which it is the object of the Academy to promote." The Fellowship of the Academy is organized in eighteen subject Sections, and each Fellow belongs to one (or occasionally two). Professor Nussbaum has been elected to section S5, Political Studies: Political Theory, Government and International Relations.