
Learn about Dissenting Opinions and Entitled, two podcasts our faculty host.

Dissenting Opinions. Hosted by Will Baude

Welcome to Dissenting Opinions, a new podcast by the Constitutional Law Institute at the University of Chicago Law School. Hosted by Will Baude, each episode of the first season will have top legal minds discuss a Supreme Court case they believe is misunderstood – with special episodes of a "deep dive" into originalism.

Listen to Dissenting Opinions

William Baude

Professor of Law; Faculty Director, Constitutional Law Institute


Rights matter, but conversations about rights can be polarizing, confusing and frustrating. Lawyers and law professors Claudia Flores and Tom Ginsburg have traveled the world getting into the weeds of global human rights debates. On Entitled, they use that expertise to explore the stories and thorny questions around why rights matter and what’s the matter with rights. A production of the University of Chicago Law School and the award winning University of Chicago podcast network.

Listen to Entitled

Claudia M. Flores

Clinical Professor of Law, Yale Law School

Tom Ginsburg

Leo Spitz Professor of International Law, Ludwig and Hilde Wolf Research Scholar, Professor of Political Science