OCI or NOCI: The Decision to Skip

Add to Calendar 2020-04-20 12:15:00 2020-04-20 13:30:00 OCI or NOCI: The Decision to Skip Event details: https://www.law.uchicago.edu/events/pils-oci-or-noci-decision-skip - University of Chicago Law School blog@law.uchicago.edu America/Chicago public
Online-Only Law School Event
1111 East 60th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637
Open to the Law School community
Presenting student organizations: Public Interest Law Society

Join our virtual panel--which includes Professor Emily Buss, Susan Curry, and current students--for a discussion/Q&A on what it means, and doesn’t, to skip On-Campus Interviewing (OCI).

Many students come to law school with public interest aspirations. But the decision to skip OCI means wrestling with hard questions: what doors does skipping OCI close? Will I be able to find work? Pay off my loans? Do I need a firm credential to practice in this area, or will a 2L firm summer shut a door to my dream job forever? We'll answer these questions and more at this virtual panel.

Zoom details: https://zoom.us/j/92932536590?pwd=Z0xEc25Lb3BqbDB2WDFOWWx5ZGpWQT09.

Meeting ID: 929 3253 6590

Password: 096342