11th Annual Chicago Law Foundation Public Interest Auction


Open to the public

For twenty-eight years, CLF, a student-run organization, has awarded grants to University of Chicago Law School students who devote their summers and careers to the public interest. Most public interest organizations can’t afford to pay students for summer work, or for extensive bar fees and expenses. CLF grants help pay the expenses of Chicago law students who fight for the rights of disadvantaged minorities, for the rights of the elderly, and those whose constitutional rights have been threatened. CLF grants also fund students who perform direct legal aid work and those who work in otherwise-unpaid government legal jobs.

In 2007, CLF funded over 20 students working in public interest. One-hundred percent of auction proceeds go toward funding summer public interest work.

CLF is a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation. CLF funds projects across the ideological spectrum, but does not fund students who work for partisan political or lobbying organizations. For more information, please contact:

Brittany Hamelers
President, Chicago Law Foundation

Visit the Auction Blog to buy tickets and keep track of the items that will be offered.