Hiring for Summer 2025

The clinical law program plans to hire a number of UChicago Law students to work in the various clinics in the summer of 2025. Paid summer positions will be open for the following clinics:
- Abrams Environmental Law Clinic (8 positions)
- Civil Rights and Police Accountability Clinic (2 positions)
- Criminal and Juvenile Justice Project Clinic (2 positions)
- Employment Law Clinic (2 positions)
- Exoneration Project Clinic (2 positions)
- Federal Criminal Justice Clinic (1 position)
- Housing Initiative Transactional Clinic (2 positions)
- Immigrants’ Rights Clinic (2 positions)
- Institute for Justice Clinic on Entrepreneurship (3 positions)
Each of these clinics seeks energetic, dedicated and motivated students for these positions. Students selected for the summer program will be assigned to one clinic for the summer and will work on a variety of cases, transactions or other client matters. Students who work in the clinic over the summer are treated as returning clinic students in the fall and may continue with their clinic work during the following academic year.
Students hired for the summer program will work for eight weeks in the summer, on dates approved by their clinical supervisor (with most positions running from approximately the end of exam period through the end of July). Students will receive approximately $6000 in compensation for the summer, payable as wages subject to withholding. Students who work in the clinics during the summer may not work as research assistants during the weeks when they are working in the clinic summer program.
Application materials, consisting of a questionnaire, cover letter and resume, may be submitted at https://www.formpl.us/form/6609120947732480 starting on January 13th. Students are encouraged to use their cover letter to explain their reasons for their interest in the clinics and relevant background or prior experiences. The cover letter may also elaborate on the applicants’ preferences among the clinics they wish to be considered for.
Interviews will commence as early as January 14th. Interviews and offers will continue on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Interviews are at the discretion of the clinic faculty member; not every applicant receives an interview. All applicants will be notified when all positions are filled and the hiring process has come to a close.
Questions about the summer hiring process should be directed to Jeff Leslie, Director of Clinical and Experiential Learning, jleslie@uchicago.edu.