This year's Law School Musical, "UChicago Law School Avengers: Indemnity War," told the story of a villain named Saul Levmos who was trying to eradicate litigation at the Law School.
In this scene, Spider-Hemel (played by Chris Hurley, '19), Green Intern (played by Allie Van Dine, '20), and RappaThor (played by Seth Cohen, '20) argue about who should be Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's next clerk.
Green Intern raps about why she should be Justice Ginsburg's next clerk.
Justice Ginsburg (played by Josia Klein, '20) tests potential clerks' workout skills.
Pantman, a.k.a. Professor Todd Henderson (played by Sam Freedlund, '20) and the Incredible Huq (played by Winston Randolph, '19) keep the students divided over politics.
Levmos (played by Rahul Srinivas, '19) sings to the students about meeting in the middle.
Professor Emily Buss (played by Yuki Matsumiya, LLM '19) auctions off the Privilege Stone.
FedSoc and ACS come together and sing about compromise.
Professor Genevieve Lakier (played by Sam Becci, '20) tells Levmos to embarrass himself.
Levmos' henchman (played by David Smith, '20) and Levmos do an embarrassing dance number for Professor Lakier.
Karina Partovi, '20, portrays the Scarlet Witch, a.k.a. Professor Alison LaCroix.
The mailman (right, played by Ray Andrada, '19) hands an offer of tenure to Rescission (played Andrew Sabintsev, '19).
Wonder Siegler (played by Caroline Sabatier, '19) and Captain Martha, a.k.a. Professor Nussbaum (played by Rachel Kubasak, '19) sing about bringing back litigation.
The professors sing about understanding the mind of the Geof Stone.
The Geof Stone (played by Chris Hurley, '19) explains how he kidnapped everyone to promote his book.
At the end of show, the Law School Avengers--the professors--bring back litigation.
This year's Law School Musical, "UChicago Law School Avengers: Indemnity War," told the story of a villain named Saul Levmos who was trying to eradicate litigation at the Law School. It featured a cast of 23 students, portraying roles that included Spider-Hemel, RappaThor, Captain Martha, the Geof Stone, Pantman, the Incredible Huq, and Wonder Siegler.
The show was written by a group of students led by chief writer David Marenberg, '19, and senior writers Chris Hurley, '19, Caroline Sabatier, '19, Karina Partovi, '20, and Andrew Sabintsev, '19. It was directed by Rachel Kubasak, '19, and assistant directors Chris Hurley and Rahul Srinivas, '19. The band was led by Brian Crush, '19 (who played bass) and Micah Kamoe, '19 (who played drums) and included Sara Castiglia, '21 (on keyboard), Ben Feis, '21 (on violin), and Dane Olsen, '20 (on guitar).
Photos by Lloyd DeGrane. Captions created with help from Director Rachel Kubasek.