Panel: "The Local Battle Against Climate Change"

On April 9, 2013, the Abrams Environmental Law Clinic, American Constitution Society and the Environmental Law Society presented a panel on local efforts to combat climate change: What can be done uniquely on a local level? What roles do the government, advocacy groups, and private corporations play? How do local efforts interact with state, federal, and global initiatives?

Jamie Ponce is the Chicago City Director for the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. In partnership with the Clinton Climate Initiative, Jamie works to drive economic and environmental benefits in the City of Chicago and across a network of global megacities.  He currently focuses on energy efficiency in commercial buildings, sustainable infrastructure finance, and market-driven resource stewardship.

Chris Gould is Exelon's Chief Sustainability Officer, and has responsibility for oversight of its environment policy, strategy and programs.

Bill Abolt is Vice President of CB&I Environmental & Infrastructure and leads its Sustainability, Energy and Carbon Management National Practice. Prior to joining CB&I (formerly the Shaw Group) he served as Environment Commissioner, Director of the Office of Budget and Management and Chief of Management, Office of the Mayor, for the City of Chicago, where he was responsible for developing Chicago's strategy to become one of the greenest cities in the United States.