How War Makes (and Unmakes) the Democratic State: Reading The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Exit West In A Populism Age

Aziz Z. Huq 91360374Y
Aziz Z. Huq, "How War Makes (and Unmakes) the Democratic State: Reading The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Exit West In A Populism Age," in Cannons and Codes: Law, Literature, and America’s Wars. (Alison L. LaCroix, Jonathan S. Masur, Martha C. Nussbaum & Laura Weinrib eds., Oxford University Press, 2021).
91360374Y "How War Makes (and Unmakes) the Democratic State: Reading The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Exit West In A Populism Age," in Cannons and Codes: Law, Literature, and America’s Wars, Alison L. LaCroix, Jonathan S. Masur, Martha C. Nussbaum & Laura Weinrib eds. (Oxford University Press, 2021). 9
Book Chapter