Mandel Clinic and MacArthur Justice Center Propose Model Ordinance to Remake Police Oversight

From the summary:

Chicago’s system of police accountability has failed by every measure and has enabled a relatively small portion of the Chicago Police Department to abuse Chicago residents with near impunity. The current police oversight mechanisms are wholly unaccountable to the communities most likely to experience abusive police tactics. There is little to no transparency in the system and no independence from the Mayor’s Office, City Council, or law enforcement. Investigations into allegations of misconduct have been less than rigorous and biased towards police officers. There is no overarching entity that evaluates systemic policy and practice issues related to police operations.

The omnibus ordinance addresses these deficiencies by establishing three separate oversight entities that will work together to provide rigorous, fair, accountable and transparent police oversight. The ordinance is grounded in national best practice and informed by the experiences of communities most impacted by police abuse. It also borrows from other jurisdictions that have recently underwent reform under the supervision of the U.S. Department of Justice, including New Orleans, Newark, Seattle, Cleveland and Albuquerque.

Download the files to view the full text:

Police Oversight Omnibus Ordinance—Summary and Analysis
Police Oversight Omnibus Ordinance

