The Entrenchment of Democracy: The Comparative Constitutional Law of Elections, Parties, and Voting

Tom Ginsburg 10546497D
Aziz Z. Huq 91360374Y
The Entrenchment of Democracy: The Comparative Constitutional Law of Elections, Parties, and Voting. (Aziz Z. Huq, Tom Ginsburg & Tarun Khaitan eds., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)2024).
10546497D The Entrenchment of Democracy: The Comparative Constitutional Law of Elections, Parties, and Voting. (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)2024) (edited with Aziz Z. Huq & Tarun Khaitan). 0
91360374Y The Entrenchment of Democracy: The Comparative Constitutional Law of Elections, Parties, and Voting. (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)2024) (edited with Tom Ginsburg & Tarun Khaitan). 0
Book - Editor