Rachel Laser, '95, Outlines Challenges of Working From Home During COVID-19

Working From Home in Washington? Not So Great

As a general rule, the nation’s capital is not a “work from home” kind of town, even though theoretically it could be. It’s not as if a lot of essential goods are created here in some physical plant or factory — not cars, or microprocessors, or beer or, on most days, legislation.

We can make it work in a pandemic by conference call, Skype or Slack, but that is not the point of Washington. The city runs on relationships and convincing others that you have a certain juice about you. It prizes backslapping, glad-handing and now, in this time of coronavirus, awkward fist-bumps, elbow-taps or whatever else you cannot do remotely. It relies, for the most part, on showing up.

And not in your pajamas.

Read more at The New York Times