Nicholas Stephanopoulos on Redistricting Reform

Redistricting Reform in a Democratic House

Now that Democrats have captured the House, a wide array of policy reforms are suddenly feasible. These reforms won’t become law, of course, since Republicans continue to control the Senate and the Presidency. But the House can still pass them—and thus lay down markers for a future Democratic Congress and show the American public the kinds of ideas that Democrats support.

In this post, I want to explore one area where the Democratic House could and should legislate: redistricting reform. Congress has regulated congressional redistricting since the 1840s, so its authority to act in this field isn’t in doubt. The need for Congress to intervene is also undeniable. The current cycle has seen the most severe and the most one-sided gerrymandering in modern American history. And things will only get worse in the 2020 round of redistricting as voters become more partisan and mapmaking technology grows in sophistication.

Read more at Harvard Law Review Blog
