Morgan Elizabeth Sharma, ’16, 1991-2023

Morgan Elizabeth Sharma

On September 21, 2023, our beautiful Morgan Elizabeth died from breast cancer, at the too-young age of 32. Morgan was a kind, thoughtful and loving daughter, sister, wife, mother, niece, cousin, granddaughter and friend.

She was a brilliant and driven, yet compassionate, attorney. She had a creative mind and heart, with a passion for music, dance, literature and nature. She took dance lessons from the time she was four years old, and loved to dance every chance she got - at her recitals, with her friends at parties and weddings, for her loved ones at sangeets, spontaneously with her husband and son. Her humorous side could be wry or goofy. She was considerate of others’ feelings beyond measure. She was adventurous and loved to travel, despite her fear of flying.

Read more at Skylawn Memorial Park