Law School Students Donate

Thanks to the generosity of the law students at the University of Chicago Law School, children who are serviced by the Children's Advocacy Rooms at the Circuit Court of Cook County will have a happier holiday season.  On Tuesday November 21st, the Dean of Students, Michele Richardson, along with two student volunteers (Sarah Preis and Shannon Barrows) delivered a trunk load of much needed supplies to the director of the Children'Advocacy Rooms located at 69 West Washington Street, in downtown Chicago.  With the quarter drawing to a close and finals looming, our law students took time out to donate simple items including hats, gloves, scarves, along with coloring books, activity books, short stories, crayons and markers for use by children who spend time in Children Advocacy Rooms.  The Circuit Court of Cook County's Children's Advocacy Rooms are safe and nurturing environments where children may stay while their parents or guardians attend court proceedings in eight Circuit Court locations. Designed as friendly, child-centered sites, the Children's Advocacy Rooms are intended to spare children from exposure to the stressful, emotionally charged atmosphere of a courtroom. 

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