Kim Daniels '94 Interviewed on 'Being Catholic, Every Day' in National Review

Excerpted from The National Review:

The “everyday lives of many American Catholics are no longer particularly distinctive from the everyday lives of members of other faiths,  Kim Daniels writes. “And so non-Catholics can be forgiven for reducing our faith to its positions on hot-button issues, for often that’s all that seems to distinguish us from anyone else.” A “renewed and rooted Catholic culture of faith and family and friendship” can give a boost to an “exhausted culture,” Daniels contends, echoing the call for a “New Evangelization” issued by Pope John Paul II and renewed by Pope Benedict XIV in a recently convened synod in Rome.

Daniels, a religious-liberty attorney and a director of Catholic Voices USA, as well as a wife and mother, wrote the original Women Speak for Ourselves petition (initially published on National Review Online) with Helen Alvaré; it now has over 34,000 signatures.

One of the fruits of the petition’s success is a new book, Breaking Through: Catholic Women Speak for Themselves (Alvaré chats about it here). A chapter, “Beyond Politics: Everyday Catholic Life,” is one of Daniels’s contributions to the effort, which she talks about with NRO’s Kathryn Jean Lopez.

Read the full interview here.

Read more at the original publication