Ben-Shahar's Book "Engaging, Witty, and Above All Powerfully Argued"

Mandated Disclosure Laws -- Another Policy Failure That Politicians Can't Resist

Having information is good, right? Information helps people make good decisions, so it’s obvious that laws mandating disclosure of information must be a benefit to the public.

That’s the logic behind many laws and regulations anyway. And like the logic behind many laws, it’s mistaken. So say professors Omri Ben-Shahar (University of Chicago) and Carl Schneider (University of Michigan) in their recent book More Than You Wanted to Know: The Failure of Mandated Disclosure, published in April by Princeton.

Think about those tedious documents you so often have to sign before you can get something you want – they are the subject of this book. And while such documents are as boring as anything can be, the book is engaging, witty, and above all powerfully argued.

Read more at Forbes