Winter 2021 Attendance Mode Declaration

Please confirm your course attendance mode for Winter Quarter:
We are reviewing the 1L schedule to see if it is logistically possible to allow fully remote 1L students to opt out of the hybrid format sections of their classes and into the fully remote sections of their classes. Students choosing this option may be enrolled in different sections from the rest of their Bigelow section. If this opportunity in Winter Quarter were available, would you take it?
Regardless of your course attendance mode, would you like to use space at the D'Angelo Library to study in Winter Quarter?
Please indicate your primary location for Winter Quarter:
If you have an in-person class immediately before or after lunch, do you hope to eat lunch on campus? (Note: Green Lounge or Rubenstein Forum, depending on the location of your class.)
If you have adjacent remote and in-person classes (i.e. back-to-back), would you be interested in having a space in the Law School to attend your remote class?

Graduation Questions

At the moment, we do not yet know what options will be available to us for the Graduating Class of 2021. While we assess possibilities and wait for guidance from the University, the city and the state, it would be useful for us to know your preferences for the below graduation options.
If city or state guidelines allow larger in-person events, one (1) in-person ceremony in June for all graduating students, regardless of how many students can attend in-person. On this option, the ceremony would be streamed for family and friends.
If city or state guidelines allow in-person events but limit gatherings to 50 people or less, seven (7) different hooding ceremonies in June, divided by each Bigelow group and the Transfer student group. On this option, the individual ceremonies would take place at different times and be streamed for family and friends.
If city or state guidelines allow in-person events but limit gatherings to 50 people or less, a number of different hooding ceremonies in June, divided by last name. On this option, the individual ceremonies would take place at different times and be streamed for family and friends.
One fully remote ceremony in June, streamed for graduates, family and friends. On this option, some parts could be pre-recorded as city and state allow, including potentially the hooding of candidates.