Michael H. Schill
Harry N. Wyatt Professor Emeritus of LawBiography
Michael H. Schill is the Harry N. Wyatt Professor Emeritus of Law at the University of Chicago Law School, and served as Dean from 2010 to June 2015. He became President of the University of Oregon on July 1, 2015.
Prior to joining the University of Chicago in 2010, Professor Schill served as the Dean of the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law from 2004 to 2009. His other faculty appointments include tenured positions as Professor of Law and Urban Planning at New York University and Professor of Law and Real Estate at the University of Pennsylvania.
Professor Schill is a nationally recognized expert in property, real estate, and housing law and policy. He is the author or co-author of three books and over 40 scholarly articles. His work includes studies of the determinants of value in condominium and cooperative housing, the impacts of housing programs on property values, the enforcement of Fair Housing laws, mortgage securitization and the deregulation of housing markets. His casebook, Property, co-authored with James Krier and Greg Alexander, is the best-selling casebook used in American law schools.
In 2004, Professor Schill founded the Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy at New York University. Under his and subsequent leadership, the Furman Center has become one of the nation’s leading research centers on housing and the built environment.
Professor Schill serves on several nonprofit boards and civic bodies including Argonne National Laboratory, ITHAKA, the Chicago Innovation Exchange, and the Housing Preservation Compact of Chicago.
Before beginning his career as a professor, Professor Schill served as Law Clerk to the Honorable Marvin Katz of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and was a real estate attorney at the law firm of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver and Jacobson. He graduated in 1980 with an AB in Public Policy from Princeton University and a JD from the Yale Law School.
Yale Law School
JD, 1984
Princeton University
AB, summa cum laude, 1980
The University of Chicago Law School
Dean and Henry N. Wyatt Professor of Law, 2010-present
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
Dean and Professor of Law, 2004-2009
New York University School of Law and Wagner School of Public Service
Wilf Family Professor in Property Law, 2003-2004
Professor of Law and Urban Planning, 1995-2004
Director, Furman Center on Real Estate and Urban Policy, 1995-2004
University of Pennsylvania Law School and Wharton School
Professor of Law and Real Estate, 1993-1995
Professor of Law, 1992-1993
Assistant Professor of Law, 1987-1992
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson New York, NY
Attorney, 1985-1987
Honorable Marvin Katz, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Law Clerk, 1984-1985
Symposium on the Mortgage Meltdown, the Economy, and Public Policy at Berkeley Program on Housing and Urban Policy and UCLA Ziman Center for Real Estate, October 2008 (moderator)
HUD Western Regional Housing Summit, August 2008 (moderator)
LACBA Diversity Summit 2007 with Los Angeles County Bar Association, June 2007 (panelist)
"The Future of Public Law Schools," Annual AALS Meeting, January 2007 (panelist)
"The Role of Law Schools and Diversity," Los Angeles Superior Court Diversity Summit, January 2007
"LA Grows Up: Deciding Our Future in 2006," LABC 2006 Mayoral Housing Summit, September 2006 (panelist)
ABA Forum on Affordable and Community Development Law, February 2005
"LA Grows Up: Housing Our Future through Dollars, Density, and Disclosure," LABC 2005 Mayoral Housing Summit, October 2005 (panelist)
"Revitalizing Main Street: Retail and Mixed-Use Opportunities in the Urban Environment," Richard S. Ziman Center 2005 Focus on Commercial Real Estate, April 2005 (participant)
"Synthesis of the Days Findings and Next Steps," HUD Roundtable on Regulatory Barriers Data, November 2005
"The Challenges of Real Estate Investment in the Twenty-First Century," UCLA School of Law, October 2004 (panelist)
"Community Reinvestment and Economic Development Paper Session: Section on Community and Urban Sociology Paper Session," Community Reinvestment and Economic Development at American Sociological Association 2004 Annual Meeting, August 2004 (discussant)
"The Condominium v. Cooperative Puzzle," New York State Bar Association, January 2004; American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Annual Meetings, January 2004
"Regulations and Housing Development: What We Know and What We Need to Know," HUD Conference on Regulatory Barriers to Housing, April 2004
"Housing and Competitive Cities," Fannie Mae Foundation Annual Housing Conference, October 2003
"Reducing Regulatory Barriers to Housing Production: New York City's Experience," U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, May 2003
"Rent Regulation," Baruch College Newman Institute, June 2003
"Smart Growth and Affordable Housing," The Brookings Institute, May 2003
"Comment on China's New Land Law," Tsinghua University School of Law, June 2002.
"The New York Impact of 9/11: The Real Estate Market," Baruch College, February 2002
"An Overview of Housing Issues and Problems in New York City," Federal Reserve Bank of New York, February 2002
"Rental Housing Policy and the Millennial Housing Commission Report," Fannie Mae Foundation Annual Housing Conference, October 2002
"Neighborhood Effects and Property Values," American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Annual Meeting, January 2001
"Principles to Guide Housing Policy in the New Millennium," U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Conference on Housing Policy in the New Millennium, October 2000 (keynote speech)
"Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act," Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting, January 1999 (section on Local Government Program)
"The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988: The First Ten Years," Research Roundtable on Making Fair Lending a Reality in the New Millennium, June 1999
"The Housing and Neighborhood Conditions of Immigrants in New York City," Harvard Law School Sachs Colloquium, March 1999
"Reducing the Cost of Housing Development," New York City Housing Conference Symposium on Affordable Housing, June 1999
"Administrative Enforcement of the Fair Housing Act," John Marshall Law School, September 1998
"An Economic Analysis of Housing Abandonment," American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Annual Meeting, January 1998
"The Future of Public Housing in the United States," Vanderbilt Law School Faculty Workshop, February 1998
"The Housing Conditions of Immigrants and Their Use of Housing Subsidies," Fannie Mae Foundation Research Seminar, May 1998
"The Housing Conditions of Immigrants in New York City," New York University School of Law, November 1998; Fannie Mae Corporation, July 1998
"The Securitization of Debt and Equity in American Real Estate," John Marshall Law School, October 1998
"An Analysis of the New York City Housing Market," Urban Land Institute, November 1997
"Assessing Community Economic Development Initiatives and Housing Turnovers and Immigration in New York City, 1991-1993," Urban Affairs Association Annual Meeting, April 1997
"The Death of Housing?," Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation at Community Training Institute, September 1997
"Federal Housing Law and Policy," St. Johns University Law School, February 1997
"Fighting Housing Discrimination in New York City," Unity Forum at Brooklyn Borough President, October 1997
"Housing Conditions and Problems in New York City," New York University Housing Conference, May 1997
"Housing Finance Law and Policy in the United States," Tokyo University, May 1997
"Housing Policy in the United States," Doshisha University, May 1997; Tokyo Metropolitan University, May 1997
"Public Housing: Retrospect and Prospect," Rutgers University School of Law, March 1997
"Mount Laurel after 10 Years," Symposium on the Mount Laurel Decision at Seton Hall University, October 1996
"An Overview of Housing Conditions and Problems in New York," New York University School of Law, March 1996
"Polarization and Public Housing," European Network for Housing Research Conference, August 1996
"Public Housing: Retrospect and Prospect," New School for Social Research, October 1996; Yale Law School, September 1996
"Evaluating Community-Based Economic Development Initiatives," Symposium on Community-Based Economic Development at New York University School of Law, February 1995
"Federal Housing Policy and Concentrated Inner City Poverty," Princeton University Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, April 1995
"Making Sense of Recent Proposals for Reinventing Housing Policy," Housing and Development Law Institute, April 1995
"The Spatial Bias of Federal Housing Law and Policy," Legal Theory Workshop at Cardozo School of Law, March 1995; University of Pennsylvania Law School, February 1995
"Housing Market Constraints," Federal National Mortgage Association Annual Housing Conference, May 1994
"Supply vs. Demand Subsidies," Symposium on Emerging Issues Affecting the Role of the Federal Government in Housing and Community Development at United States General Accounting Office, December 1994
"Policy Implications of Racial Disparities in the Home Loan Mortgage Market," American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Mid-Year Meeting, June 1993
"Severely Distressed Public Housing: Where Do We Go from Here?," Institute for Law and Economics Roundtable on Housing Law and Policy, May 1993
"Deconcentrating the Inner City Poor," New York University School of Law, November 1992
"De-racializing the Environmental Equity Movement," Critical Networks Conference, April 1992
"HOPE 1: Is It the Ultimate Depowerment?," Housing and Development Law Institute, May 1992
"The Role of the Nonprofit Sector in Low Income Housing Production," American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association International Conference on Real Estate and Urban Economics, October 1992
"Deconcentrating the Inner City Poor," John M. Olin Foundation Conference on the Law and Economics of Urban Issues, November 1991
"Recent Developments in Housing Law," Southeastern Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials Annual Conference, July 1991
"Lender Liability for Hazardous Waste," American Law Institute-American Bar Association/Smithsonian Institution Environmental Law Course of Study, February 1990
"Privatizing Public Housing," Housing and Development Law Institute Annual Convention, October 1989
- Fannie Mae Foundation (1997-2000; 2004-2005)
- MacArthur Foundation (2003-2005)
- United States Department of Commerce, Technology Opportunities Program (2002-2004)
- Ford Foundation (1999-2000; 2002-2003)
- New York City Partnership and Chamber of Commerce (1998-1999)
- New York City Housing Development Corporation (1998-1999) (to study the impact of water metering on housing in New York City)
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (1997-1999) (to study enforcement of the Fair Housing Act)
- Fleet Bank (1998)
- Chase Manhattan Bank (1996)
- Surdna Foundation (1996)
- Edna McConnell Clark Foundation (1995-1997)
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (1994-1995) (
- Mortgage Bankers Association (1992)
- Taconic Foundation (1991)
- U.P.S. Public Policy Initiatives Fund (1991)
- Research and Educational Trust Fund, Mortgage Bankers Association (1990)
- Homer Hoyt Institute (1990)
- Campus Budget Committee on Revenue Generation (2008-2009)
- Chancellor’s Advisory Group on Diversity (2008-2009)
- Chair, College Governance Committee (2008)
- UCLA Institute for Strategic Innovation Founding Committee (2008)
- Search Committee for the Associate Vice Chancellor (2008)
- Chair, Council of Professional School Deans (2007-2009)
- Chancellor’s Executive Committee (2007-2009)
- Information Technology Planning Board (2006-2008)
- Downtown Committee (2007-2008)
- Chair, Review Committee for Dean of School of Public Affairs (2006-2007)
- Search Committee for Dean of the International Institute (2005-2006)
- Chair, Task Force on Faculty Housing Programs (2005-2006)
- Chancellor’s Advisory Committee for Dean of the Anderson School of Management (2005)
- Editorial board, Housing Policy Debate (1996-present)
- Editor, The Authority (1989-2005)
- Editor, Yale Law Journal (1982-1984)