Admissions Office Volunteer Form

Thank you for volunteering to help us recruit your future classmates! Please use this form to sign up to:

  1. Email admitted students and/or
  2. Engage with admitted students on our virtual platform, UChicago Law Connect

Based on student ideas and input, we would like to incorporate music into the start of Zoom events. If you have any song suggestions, let us know :-)

Class year
Joining UChicago Law Connect
Would you like to engage with admitted students on our virtual platform, UChicago Law Connect?
UChicago Law Connect will host all of the live and recorded content we are creating for the virtual admitted students programs. It will also provide an online community where our admitted students can connect with YOU!

We will send you a unique link to join UChicago Law Connect. 
Emailing Admitted Students
Are you interested in emailing admitted students?
When would you like to receive your list of admitted students?
Emailing admitted students is meant to be flexible for your schedule (just make sure you email them!).

When possible, we send you admitted students to email who have something in common with you. To help us facilitate this, please answer some of the below questions.   

e.g., pro bono work, IIP/I-Trek/P-Trek, etc., research for professors (please include the name(s) of the professor(s).
If you selected "yes", we will match you with admitted students to email and welcome them to UChicago Law.