A Patchwork Array of Theocratic Fiefdoms? RFRA Claims against the ACA's Contraception Mandate as Examples of the New Feudalism

Mary Anne Case 91700033G
cu Mary Anne Case, "A Patchwork Array of Theocratic Fiefdoms? RFRA Claims against the ACA's Contraception Mandate as Examples of the New Feudalism," in Law, Religion, and Health in the United States. (Holly Fernandez Lynch, I. G. Cohen & Elizabeth Sepper eds., Cambridge University Press, 2017).
91700033G "A Patchwork Array of Theocratic Fiefdoms? RFRA Claims against the ACA's Contraception Mandate as Examples of the New Feudalism," in Law, Religion, and Health in the United States, Holly Fernandez Lynch, I. G. Cohen & Elizabeth Sepper eds. (Cambridge University Press, 2017). 0
Book Chapter