Jacob Huebert, '04: "Lawyer is a Slugger in War on Bad Rules"

Wearing glasses, a suit and scholarly demeanor, Jacob Huebert comes across as an unlikely warrior in the fight for freedom.

Indeed, he looks more like a law professor — which he once was — than a guy looking for trouble.

But show him some people being pushed around by government bureaucrats enforcing pointless rules, and he's ready for battle.

They include people like Julie Crowe of Bloomington, who was barred from starting a passenger-van service aimed at female students attending Illinois State University. Or James Nuccio and Gabriel Wiesen, who wanted to launch a food-truck business called Beavers Donuts in Evanston. They were prohibited from doing so because a local ordinance said only existing brick-and-mortar restaurants could operate food trucks.

Huebert, a 37-year-old lawyer representing the Chicago-based Liberty Justice Center, filed lawsuits challenging the exclusionary rules in both Bloomington and Evanston. A McLean County judge ruled in Crowe's favor in the van case while Evanston city fathers, after a four-year fight, agreed to repeal the law barring Beavers Donuts from operation.

Continue reading: http://www.news-gazette.com/news/local/2017-06-01/jim-dey-lawyer-slugger-war-bad-rules.html


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