Aziz Huq Discusses Sting Operations in Terrorism Cases on WBEZ

Legal experts question stings in terror cases

A 22-year-old Chicago man is scheduled to be back in federal court Wednesday on terrorism charges. Sami Samir Hassoun was arrested in September for plotting to blow up a crowded Wrigleyville corner.

It became immediately clear he had help. But that help didn't come from like minded individuals or a terrorist network - it came from the federal government. It raises questions about whether Hassoun could have executed an attack of any sort without help from the FBI.

The charges against Hassoun are unarguably very disturbing. Prosecutors say he dropped what he thought was a bomb into a garbage can in Wrigleyville on Chicago's north side, late on a Saturday night, when the streets were full of people. He wanted to hurt as many people as possible. And yet if you read the complaint, that's the court document where prosecutors give a basic outline of their case, I have a copy here, its 26 pages long and it's full of Hassoun saying really goofy things.

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