Anup Malani Dicusses Fisher on Chicago Tonight (#UChiLawSCt)

The Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ruling

In a surprise move, the Supreme Court has sent a University of Texas case about using race as a factor in college admissions back down to the lower court. The Court's 7-1 decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy said a Federal Appeals Court needs to use the highest level of judicial scrutiny. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the only dissenter, and Justice Clarence Thomas said he would have overturned the use of race in admissions. On Chicago Tonight at 7:00 pm, two former Supreme Court clerks joins us to talk about what the ruling means, and what’s left on the court’s docket. Anup Malani clerked for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor in 2001-2002 and David Franklin was a law clerk for Justice Ginsburg in 1999-2000.

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