Luke Sobota, '99: "General Principles of Law and International Due Process"

General Principles of Law and International Due Process

Principles and Norms Applicable in Transnational Disputes

Charles T. Kotuby, Jr., Luke A. Sobota, Center for International Legal Education (CILE) University of Pittsburgh School of Law, and Foreword by Stephen M. Schwebel

  • An encyclopaedic discussion of the general principles of law and due process with a particular focus on developments since Bin Cheng's writing
  • Collects and distills these principles and norms in a single volume as a practical resource for international law jurists, advocates, and scholars
  • Offers an expert exposition of how international due process applies to contemporary disputes in the transnational sphere
  • Contains an extensive chapter on the historical genesis of the general principles of law and due process
  • Provides an annex of supporting authorities and cases…;

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