Students Pen Letters for Operation Gratitude

Meredith Dodd ’13 had a running tradition to find an opportunity for volunteering with friends each holiday season.

But she found that spare time in her first year as a law student was rare, especially with law school exams looming. So Dodd found a way to continue her holiday tradition and include her fellow law students.

 At a recent Coffee Mess, she and about 20 other law students gathered to write letters to soldiers as part of Operation Gratitude, a nonprofit organization in California that sends care packages to soldiers serving abroad. The organization exists to lift soldiers’ morale, and fills care packages with food, hygiene products, entertainment items as well as personal letters of appreciation.

The law students wrote more than 150 thank-you notes and holiday cards. Still other students expressed interest in writing letters at a future Coffee Mess.

Dodd considered the letter-writing activity a success. “It was a great way for University of Chicago Law students to show their appreciation for those keeping our country safe,” she said.