Omri Ben-Shahar on Trump's "2 Out, 1 in" Regulation Order

Trump's 2-For-1 Folly

The president thinks this 2-for-1 order is necessary because there is too much regulation. The evidence? The Federal Register (the volumes in which the regulations are published) has ballooned from 23,000 pages in 1960 to almost 175,000 pages now. These new regulations require compliance with standards of highway safety, reduced pollution, workplace health and safety, and many more. Compliance is costly—the conservative Heritage Foundation estimates it at $100 billion per year—which suggests that economic activity is choked and jobs are not created.

There are two major problems with this executive order, one economic and the other legal. Together they make the 2-for-1 approach a terribly inefficient, and possibly illegal, way to address over-regulation.

Read more at Forbes